New Country Day Camp is an oasis for children growing up in New York City. All of our campers and staff ride the camp bus from stops in North Brooklyn and downtown Manhattan to the beautiful Henry Kaufman Campgrounds on Staten Island. Our older campers spend their mornings with their friends in camp groups of kids their age. In their groups, they'll have an opportunity to try all of our camp programs. In the afternoons, campers spend time in program units which they choose independently on Mondays, and which last the week through Friday. Any camper entering 2nd through 6th grade may choose from the following program units: Camping, Cooking, and Pioneering Or Science and Technology Or Sports Or Gymnastics Or Arts and Crafts Or Martial Arts Or Performing Arts. While we encourage our campers to try new program units each week, every child’s independent decision making is highly respected by camp staff.
Campers entering Kindergarten or 1st grade spend the day in a more traditional camp program with a group of children and two counselors who travel with them from activity to activity with some opportunities to practice making independent decisions. All of our campers swim twice a day, practice independence, and enjoy and learn from the natural environment that is camp’s completely outdoor program.
New Country Day Camp is a Jewish camp which honors Jewish values and traditions such as taking care of the earth, Challah baking on open fire pits, and celebrating Shabbat with songs and celebration! We welcome families of all backgrounds who want to be a part of our special community, and we hope you’ll join us!